Tuesday, March 18, 2008

That Took a Long Time....

Firstly, let's get this straight: I (I!) am going to attempt to maintain a blog. Why? What could possibly possess me to do such a stupid thing? Well, the world has a right to revel in my glorious Lymmericks. And maybe a thought or two.

But only just.

To close, shockingly enough, a Lymmerick. (I think I'll post one per day, save when they are cycles.)

The user is needing his fix.
The pusher-man carries his mix.
He passes his dough,
The other his blow —
But Cheese-Food is this user's pix!

The exchange right outside was quite clear.
The witness did not even leer.
Phone: "Allo! Police?
"J'ai vu l'accomplice!"
He opens a new can of beer.

The cops do come loaded with plugs.
They are not now drinking from mugs.
The druggies set sail,
Police on their tail,
Who scream at them: "Get down, ye thugs!"




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