Sunday, March 23, 2008

Fine. Be That Way.

Did I say every day? Well, I lied. I suppose that, reasitically, this blog will be updated when it is updated, a bit like George R. R. Martin's Not a Blog.

In other news,

I FINALLY finished Thomas Pynchon's newest year old novel, Against the Day. Heck of an adventure. As some one else put it so well (I'd quote, but I don't recall where I read this, other than Amazon.*), the novel is like Gravity's Rainbow, but with a huge difference: Where Pynchon, with Gravity's Rainbow is very excited and eager to say what ever it is that he wishes to communicate, much of that enthused energy, with Against the Day, has matured in to an older author's looking back and reflecting. The tone, then, is more pensive, I suppose. Pehaps that's why it is his longest so far and, I fear, his last.

I have also begun to write the idea that I've been, to quote the late and great Robert Jordan, "noodling around" in my head for some time now. As no one is reading this blog, I have little qualm in imparting that the premise is one often gone over — though not as I am doing it. I hope, at any rate. I'm fairly sure. I wrote five pages (by hand, of course) yester-eve and I intend to work on it a bit daily. Well... as daily as this blog, maybe. Yes, I am writing with out a plan, for now. I hope that, as I investigate the concept further on paper, a "plot" will come to me. Right now, the most important thing is getting the ideas out of my head and on to paper. So, I'm going all out, knowing that, at a later stage, I shall need to edit the hell out of the manuscript. No problem. I love editing. Writing is some thing that I have always wanted to do semi-professionally [sic.], so I am eager both to see if I can finish the project — as well as how my writing style will change. having spent the last few months reading Pynchon, it will come as no surprise that what I wrote last night sounded a lot like him. Again, that's where edititng, at some point, will help. I love reading what I have written, but this also makes me NOT want to write, oddly enough. I am determined, therefore, not to go over what I have written until I must.
Right. That's enough for now. To close, I Lymmerick.
The math in this room is quite boring.
I think I can hear some one snoring.
If I hear once more
That x = 4 —
You know what's more groovy? The flooring.


P. S.: The working title of the project is Exploration Number One.

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