Friday, March 28, 2008


I'm not sure that I really have any thing to say.

Saturday brings the annual Dawson High School Debating tourney. Unlike last year's fiasco, other than in a judging capacity, I shall have nothing to do with it.

For last year's fiasco, see Debating at Dawson With Out Any Cheese.

My caluclus teacher, a lazy chap, gave my class a re-test, owing to the miserable results of the first one. The catch: He gave us the same test. O yes. I will say nothing save this:

Blood and bloody ashes!

I have yet to come to any conclusions regarding Benjammin Britten's War Requiem. Any comments on that?

I have not written a single word on the writing project's front. I'll get around to it. Soon.

If I think of some thing else, I'll let you know.

To close, to-day's Lymmerick:

There once was a bull named huck
Whom sped off, one day, in a truck.
He started to moo;
For he had to poo,
But didn't know how to. Tough luck!



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