I Have Not Absquatulated. Yet.
A, H. A.
I wrote a Lymmerick during the wait for the final debate at this year's Dawson Debating Union's Annual April Fool's Day Tourney. The catch? L didn't take it with me when I left. Yes, a lost Lymmerick (though I will write what I recall of it for to-day's Closing Lymmerick.).
"But how was did the Tourney?" you might enquire.
The first round saw me judging the top speaker at the Tourney, if not in the province. Well done. He had an excellent speech. The second round saw me judging the same team. Another goodly speech. more interesting for both of these rounds was my total in-ability to compose my thoughts and elucidate them to my comrades and the debators. I blame lack of sleep (see below). Luncheon (during which time I ate many potatoes) brought illness. So I went to the "Executive Bath-Room" and I defecated. This didn't do much to alleviate my symptoms, so I returned to the tweiter floor and ate some more. The third round saw me judging alone. I was back to my normal self and demolished the debators. they seemed to be appreciative of my no-non-sense aproach to commentary. I felt better. The final round had me again judging alone, but with an audience member. I was rather worried that my harshness would offend her. In stead, she asked me to coach her fledgeling team at the Study (apparently, the debating team there is only for the senior levels: she wished me to coach the juniors.). I promptly refused, informing her that I am not a not worthy of coaching (I really shouldn't even be judging, but my comrades seem to believe that I actually know what I'm doing. I don't and I tell them so at every opportunity.). I cited my having come dead last in my last foray in to debating, the infamous Marianopolis annual tourney. Why infamous? The first round's resoluting was THW ban the letters C, Q and X owing to their being barbaric and communist. The second: We proposed the abolishion of homeopathy. I gave the examples of hemlock juice and trepanning and said hell's bells. In a POI, I was told to go home. The last round is the most famous. My partner wasn't having the best of days. When she delivered her PM (or was it MO?) speech, I realised that I was going to have to cover her points as well as my own. Knowing that the round was irrelevant, I went all-out. The results: The room was in laughter so severe that both the judge and my partner were in tears. I think I got a sixty. Obviously, I am in no position to coach.
In lappy-news, I have begun to tweak. I spent most of the week-end fiddling with hdparm and xfs as well as a bit of the bootup sequence. For my troubles: The hard-drive has faster read, write and delete times seemingly at the cost of simultenaity, though I could be making this up. i don't care. I am not going back. My hard-drive can make all of the strange and evil-sounding noises it likes.
I think that's enough for now.
To close, a Lymmerick:
got to do with a shoe
on which you now drool.
I told you I don't remember it. Let's give you an other.
To close, a Lymmerick:
Flying way up there is space,
Almost as if in a race —
Its luminescence
Is due, in a sense,
To all of the heat at the base.
I wrote a Lymmerick during the wait for the final debate at this year's Dawson Debating Union's Annual April Fool's Day Tourney. The catch? L didn't take it with me when I left. Yes, a lost Lymmerick (though I will write what I recall of it for to-day's Closing Lymmerick.).
"But how was did the Tourney?" you might enquire.
The first round saw me judging the top speaker at the Tourney, if not in the province. Well done. He had an excellent speech. The second round saw me judging the same team. Another goodly speech. more interesting for both of these rounds was my total in-ability to compose my thoughts and elucidate them to my comrades and the debators. I blame lack of sleep (see below). Luncheon (during which time I ate many potatoes) brought illness. So I went to the "Executive Bath-Room" and I defecated. This didn't do much to alleviate my symptoms, so I returned to the tweiter floor and ate some more. The third round saw me judging alone. I was back to my normal self and demolished the debators. they seemed to be appreciative of my no-non-sense aproach to commentary. I felt better. The final round had me again judging alone, but with an audience member. I was rather worried that my harshness would offend her. In stead, she asked me to coach her fledgeling team at the Study (apparently, the debating team there is only for the senior levels: she wished me to coach the juniors.). I promptly refused, informing her that I am not a not worthy of coaching (I really shouldn't even be judging, but my comrades seem to believe that I actually know what I'm doing. I don't and I tell them so at every opportunity.). I cited my having come dead last in my last foray in to debating, the infamous Marianopolis annual tourney. Why infamous? The first round's resoluting was THW ban the letters C, Q and X owing to their being barbaric and communist. The second: We proposed the abolishion of homeopathy. I gave the examples of hemlock juice and trepanning and said hell's bells. In a POI, I was told to go home. The last round is the most famous. My partner wasn't having the best of days. When she delivered her PM (or was it MO?) speech, I realised that I was going to have to cover her points as well as my own. Knowing that the round was irrelevant, I went all-out. The results: The room was in laughter so severe that both the judge and my partner were in tears. I think I got a sixty. Obviously, I am in no position to coach.
In lappy-news, I have begun to tweak. I spent most of the week-end fiddling with hdparm and xfs as well as a bit of the bootup sequence. For my troubles: The hard-drive has faster read, write and delete times seemingly at the cost of simultenaity, though I could be making this up. i don't care. I am not going back. My hard-drive can make all of the strange and evil-sounding noises it likes.
I think that's enough for now.
To close, a Lymmerick:
got to do with a shoe
on which you now drool.
I told you I don't remember it. Let's give you an other.
To close, a Lymmerick:
Flying way up there is space,
Almost as if in a race —
Its luminescence
Is due, in a sense,
To all of the heat at the base.
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