No more alcohol
As some of my readership may know, I do not drink alcohol. If the readership does not know, they now do. The readership may or may not also know that my mother is rather daft. Well, mix one part mother with one part alcohol and one gets a Mad Mom cocktail. Not a very pleasent one. If some thing is not pleasent, the thing must be stopped. In this case, the consuption, or, at least, the presence of Mad Mom must be eliminated. The most effective way to achieve this, of course, is to remove one or both of the factors which comprise it. As murder is not legal, I opted to remove the alcohol.
Furthermore, I elected to issue an edict (not a fatwah as they are too strong and should really only be used at the uttermost end of need). The edict declared that should I find alcohol which is not hidden, it would be poured down the sink. A liberal interpretation is here possible, which suits my purposes.
In other news, the Chronicles of Narnia are being read and enjoyed by me.
In other news, a man has slandered my name. This is not acceptable. I have given this man one week te respond to my ultimatum: Reply to the personal message that I sent and have a chance to settle our differences; or else I shall make all things public and let the readership of that particular forum judge me. I had not wanted to do such a thing. I no longer have a choice. A gentleman I am. A gentleman I have been to this lad. A gentleman will not have his name slandered with out defending himself. As a gentleman, I shall do so.
I fear that I am on the war path. So be it. I am not easily angered, but insulting my honour does the trick.
In other news, I am attempting to garner support for a petition which I will have the store Vasco read. They sell shaving goods here at Montreal at prices which necessitate my not purchasing the goods from that store. This is not a good thing. Purchasing in what is being termed now a days a brick and mortar store is greatly preferable to purchasing on-line: One can support the local economy, sample produce before acquisition and have a live human with which to converse. Thus it is that I am attempting to have them lower their prices — or at least offer a discount to those in the know. I doubt that they shall do this, but for their sake I do hope so.
Summer school starts the day after to-morrow, I think.
When my ex physics teacher rearrives from Mexico, he shall be teaching me how to sing opera. This is hugely wonderful and I am eager to commence.
I have received my newest acquisition: Truefitt and Hill luxury shaving soap. Very nice masculin lavender scent. I await other soaps and a cream.
To close, a Lymmerick:
The scent in the air is fell
And in my head rings a bell.
In penetrates all
And doesn't it gall.?
"Then why don't you close the smell?"
...Peachy O₂.
Thanks for writing this.
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