If I Were A Sheep, I Would Not Be Me.
By my head! There is some thing wrong with my wireless driver; the internet is slow. Really slow. And barely works. I suspect that the thing is too sensitive. I shall attempt to verify.
I have, after much deliberation, unanimously agreed to acquire the following: 1 pair of AKG K701 headphones; 1 Beta22 amplifyer (to be built be me); 1 Sigma22 Power Supply Unit (ibid); 1 DAC, probably the Buffalo (ibid); 1 very large piece of metal, to be turned in to a very large telescope (ibid). I suppose that the chance of the last point occurring is... greater than zero — but not by much.
Pieces of eight.
I am reading Don Quixote. Poor chap. And poor Sancho Panza.
I have acquired yet more books. Many books. Which need to be catalogued. I'll get around to it.
You don't need to know more, for now.
And now, a recently finished Lymmerick:
The walls of the city are falling
And in the streets, people are brawling.
We're under attack;
We must fight them back!
Take up the sword; that is your calling.